Washington Location

Bradley Physical Therapy Clinic in Washington, PA

    • 382 West Chestnut Street
      Washington, PA 15301
      (724) 228-2911

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Directions from Wheeling (Coming from the West):

1. Get off at the Chestnut Street Exit and bear Right through the light and past Denny’s Restaurant.

2. Go approximately 2 miles and take the next Right just after the Toot and Scoot Gas Station on Washington Street.

3. Turn Right into the parking lot after 100 feet. The office is on the second floor of the two story building.

Directions from Pittsburgh/Waynesburg/New Stanton (Coming from the North, South and East):

1. Take 79 to 70 West and exit at Jefferson Avenue.

2. Turn Right off the ramp and go Left at the second light on Jefferson Avenue.

3. Go approximately 1 1/2 miles and turn Right at the light after the Post Office onto Chestnut Street.

4. Take the next Left onto Washington Street and the parking lot is 100 feet on the Right.

5. The office is on the second floor of the two story building.

*The phone number for our Washington location is (724) 228-2911.